



I'm a born and raised Minneapolis, Minnesota boy, and as much as I love to travel I still think this is one of the best places in the world to live. I graduated with a degree in Fine Arts from the University of Minnesota Duluth and turned that into a career in advertising and graphic design. I've worked with many talented people for some of the best known companies in the world. From television spots to print ads, logos, videos, web sites, and direct mail. I started my career at Campbell Mithun Advertising working on Andersen Windows and Land O Lakes. I've also worked for Periscope, Martin Williams Advertising and Carlson Marketing, which is now Aimia. I'm currently working freelance or contract for agencies and companies in and around the Minneapolis area.



Create and consume. It’s really what we do all day long.

Every single day. We create things and we consume things. From the basics like food, water and shelter. To music, cars, vacations, clothing, movies, cameras, images, stories,
games and on and on. Big companies or just you and me,
the principle remains the same.


What I do is help connect the creators to the consumers
and the consumers to the creators. Connecting the two can take many forms and be delivered by many different mediums
and many different screen sizes. Determining which is best and most effective can be tricky. Being successful requires stepping back and observing things from a broader perspective. Understanding your audience. Having a clear vision. Keeping things simple, honest and transparent.
Being resourceful. And always staying curious.






Richard Lokensgard © 2014
